Friedman & Liebezeit “Secret Rhythms”
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released on CD and 2×12″ 2002
LP out of print

“… this disc glides effortless through genres. Whereas the sound occasionally comes close to ECM, at other moments it recalls Tortoise, rustic dub, cocktail jazz – albeit with just enough rhythmic obstinacy to avoid schmaltz – and even various echoes of ethnic music.” (The Wire 2002)

01. Rhein Rauf
02. Rechter WinkL
03. Royal Roost
04. Shades Of Soddin Orion
05. Rastafahndung
06. Gulli Verreisen
07. Wirklich
08. Obscured by 5 short version
09. Obscured by 5 nonplace remix
10. Obscured by 5 extended version (CD only)

“It makes an almost ridiculous amount of sense: the original drumming machine making beautiful music with the most rhythmically astute music techno-logist on the planet. “Secret Rhythms” is the collaboration by Jaki Liebezeit and Nonplace Urban Field alchemist Burnt Friedman, and it’s the kind of record that should make most would-be cyber icons lie down and quietly expire. (…), hidden within the strands of this strange hybrid is, as Friedman himself has said, the seeds of a new kind of jazz. Liebezeit’s signature drum-mantra is etched into the vinyl of the coolest moments of rock history, and the potency of his distinctive style is barely diminished since his legendary moments in the early 70s. But here, instead of Can’s grinding, volcanic energy, we have an utterly gorgeous, beguiling album featuring a plethora of bubbling tonal clusters courtesy of instruments like vibraharps, steel drums and kalimbas.” (Oscillation Nation: Sonic Futures by Gary Steel)