Explorative, percussive and employing a range of unconventional instruments, yet the music “remains as light as air floating in limbo.” DUBLAB offers a free download of Sendou (album track)
review at Big Shot
review at Exclaim
review at Ink19
review at DMC World
review and purchase from Boomkat
download album mp3 from Zero Inch
review and free download from Dublab
French review at LeGrandBazart
German review at IrieItes
German review at Paco42
German review at Titel-Magazin
German review at Monster and Critics
Japanese review at Resident Advisor
Japanese review and info
Japanese review at Barks
Japanese review at Resident Advisor
Japanese review at Senza Colori
Japanese review at Japonica
Friedman Charts at Technique, Japan
review at Milkfactory